Sodium Tripoly Phosphate

Sodium Tripoly Phosphate

Product Details:


Product Description

Parameter Unit Results Allowable Limits
Chemical Formula Na5P3O10
P2O5 Content % 56.01-/+0.40 Min56
Sodium Tripoly Phosphate (Na5P3O10) content % 95.37 Min90
pH Solution1% % 9.19 9.2-10.0
Water Insoluble % 0.04 Max0.2
Moisture % 0.03 Max0.5
L.O.I % 0.45 Max 1
Temperature Rise oC 8.60 9-15
Phase(Form)I % 10.40 5-40
Iron(Fe) Mg/Kg 72.40 Max100
Whiteness Level % 88.20 Min82
Bulk Density gr/cm3 0.71 0.61.1
Weight retainedon Sieve40 % 1.00 Max 3
Weight retainedon Sieve100 % 40.5 Max70
Weight retained on Sieve200 % 35.3 Max25
Weight passing of Sieve270 % 23.2 Max20

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